Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Classification of Fauna and Flora


Flora is the collective plant life that grows or which has once grew in a certain area or during a given period of time. Usually it is referred as the native plant life present but it also include new species that have been introduced as well. The study of Flora is very interesting  as the classification of plants can be done in number of ways. The simple way to classify plants are done on the basis of region. As the plants which grow specifically in the mountains will be very different from those that grow in the desert. In the same way the plants that have adapted to living underwater are treated as a unique form of flora. The another way to classify Fauna and Flora can be done on the basis of environment in which it is grown or seen naturally.


Fauna is the name given to the collective animal life that lives or once found in a certain area or time period. Classification of Fauna can also be done in many different ways. the classification of Fauna is more complex than Floral because animal life has evolved into many different forms. The animal kingdom by itself is fauna. within it we have the "Avifauna" which are basically the birds and" Piscifauna" are the fishes. this was the simple classification as in this classification small single celled organisms such as bacteria and virus have not been included. these small celled organisms are known as "Microfauna". There are many other species on the earth which has to be named and discovered yet .